Description of Curtail and Secure By Design Technical webinar, geared for DevSecOps only please.

• How do you know that the software that you use and the software that you produce is trustworthy?
• How do you vet patches, open-source components, public libraries and partner tools before you apply them to your users/clients?

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In the past months, there have been some major security and operations issues that have crippled or may imminently cripple many more organizations.

Join us to learn how Curtail can solve at least three of these IT security and resilience problems:

  1. Solve the Kaseya hacking issue by allowing them to deploy a patch faster by validating the patch against production traffic with ReGrade preventing the initial break-in and subsequent ransomware.
  2. Prevent outages caused by software bugs like those at Fastly by finding and fixing the bug before they go into production.
  3. Detect 3rd party software supply chain security issues.

Our speaker, Mr. Robert Ross, Cofounder and CTO of Curtail will discuss the challenges in detecting these recent attacks as well as provide a demonstration of how this can be solved. You will gain insight into NCAST (Network Comparison Application Security Testing), a crucial tool for modern DevOps as well as applying NCAST to see zero-day bugs and regressions before release.

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